Are you wasting time and money delivering proofs and waiting for responses?
You won't, with AdProofsOnline
Let's face it, if your account executives are running around dropping off proofs and picking up changes, they probably aren't utilizing their time in a way that generates the most revenue. Wouldn't it be better if they were out selling more advertising?
If you're emailing proofs, you know the frustrations of file attachment limits, spam filters and clients who don't know how to open the file even if they successfully receive it.
Maybe you're paying runners to handle the deliveries and pickups. Perhaps you're faxing proofs... but faxes containing small print, graphics and color just don't come through clearly. Why make your clients squint and struggle to check their artwork?
Then again, maybe you're using expensive overnight mail or waiting days for regular mail.
And after allocating all those manhours and spending all that money getting proofs to your clients, you still don't even know if they've looked at them... unless you spend even more time following up with each client.
Wasted money. Wasted time. Missed opportunities.
There is a better way. AdProofsOnline.