Graduate to a better way of doing things.
The problem
How can schools, PTAs, PTOs, or PTSOs keep parents and caregivers informed? Backpack fliers frequently don't make it home and
it's hard to juggle schedules and keep track of every event.
The solution
Eximius makes it easy. Fliers are uploaded to the web site, events are added to the calendar, lunch menus, school contact information,
hours, teacher rosters and helpful articles are posted, and broadcast emails are sent regularly to parents/caregivers.
Major Features
Instead of sending fliers home in backpacks and hoping for the best that they get into the hands of parents / caregivers, you can now post
fliers in text, PDF, Word, or other formats right on the web site. Every flier has an expiration date, after which it automatically moves
into an archive.
Events Calendar
The calendar allows parents and caregivers to easily keep track of school events. The search feature can even even include events from
other schools in the Eximius installation. This is particularly helpful when parents have children in multiple schools... one screen
gives an overview of all their kids' events.
Starting off the school year means adding a lot of events to the calendar. Eximius allows you to build the entire calendar for all schools in a single Excel spreadsheet, then easily import the whole thing in a single step, with each school's events automatically moving to the individual web calendars.
This module allows administrators to create a Table of Contents or simply a list of categories and post one or more articles
under each heading. Each post can include images, links, Flash content and more,
without limitation on length. Up to five
articles can be featured on the home page at any given time.
Broadcast Email
Each school and entity can maintain its own email list, which can be imported from an Excel spreadsheet. Each list has user-definable
selection criteria, so the recipient list can be customized for each mailing. Additionally, emails are automatically added to
an archive that is accessible to web site visitors.
Unlimited Sites
There's no limit to the number of schools / entities you can add to your Eximius installation. New sites can be created
in less than one minute by the primary administrator. Each site operates independently when you need it to, yet allows
the convenience of sharing data to best mmet the needs of your audience.
Multiple Site Types
An Eximius installation consists of a "District" or "Master" site, plus one or more "school" sites
and any number of "entity" sites. Each type of site has different features to ensure the application meets
all of your needs.
Each site has its own administrator username and password. Multiple layers of security allow each webmaster to create additional
authorized users to assist in adding or editing content and other web responsibilities. The system's primary administrator can access
admin functions on each of the sites.
Training is Available
Eximius includes online help files and documentation to get you up and running quickly. If you require
additional assistance, training is available either by web conference or in-person.