Client Profile Window

The Client Profile Window

This window shows a complete snapshot of all client information, conveniently summarized for the busy technician. The various sections show basic client information, a scrollable window of all of the client's calls, details of the currently highlighted call, and lists of the hardware and software assigned to this client.

By clicking the buttons at the top of the window, the technician would be able to:

  • Display the next or previous client in the current retrieval set.

  • Open the client window, allowing the client's name, address account number and service contract information to be viewed or edited.

  • View or edit notes related to this client.

  • Access the telecommunications window which contains all phone, fax, pager and modem numbers for this client.

  • View or change the e-mail addresses for the current client.

  • Open the call window to view or edit the highlighted call.

  • Add a new call linked to this client.

  • Access the configurations for this client. Generally, one configuration is maintained for each computer (such as a desktop and notebook) that the client uses. Configurations tie hardware and software components of a computer system into a single unit.

  • Open the hardware or software listings which show all of the individual components, regardless of configuration, currently assigned to this client.

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